Consulting Solutions for Your Success
That , the world’s greatest challenge remain inequality cannot be gainsaid. Many are the blue prints that seek to address the said issues but they remain just that ! i.e ‘road maps’. The time to walk the talk is now. Southern Delta International (SDI) is a research and advisory organization that seeks to provide an overarching vision and policy framework for accelerating economic co-operation and integration among individuals,institutions, businesses and Countries.

To be the institution of choice in the areas of research,development consultancy,content marketing and publishing.
SDI endeavours to provide and foster good leadership in its chosen ventures .
Care and Respect
SDI will always endeavour to provide responsive services,timely deliveries and foster a sense of belonging and ownership among our key partners in the region.
To develop cutting edge research on investments that guarantees food security,creation of wealth, employment and guarantees global peace.
Ours is a highly skilled technical human resource base with regular trainings always in tandem with changing times. We protect the legal interests of our clients, suppliers, contractors and employees . We provide a client-oriented, efficient and professional service and we are committed to continuous improvement.
Quality service;
Provision of the very best of the best services, at the best values to our clients at all times in all our areas of operation.
Accountability, Transparency and Integrity
We always maintain the highest degree of public accountability,reliability and openness in our relations with our investors,partners,stakeholders,staff and interest groups as a key plank for trust and diametric growth. We avoid conflict of interest and nurture transparency and accountability.
Ethics, integrity and corporate responsibility
Our business centres around people and trust, and our continued success depends upon unswerving adherence to this standard. Our mission is to develop, scale-up and promote solutions for international companies who face challenges arising from operating in emerging markets around the world. Our principles inform our experience, expertise and effectiveness.

Head of Strategy and Middle Eastern Affairs

Regional Director, Africa

Regional Director, Australia

Director General for ASEAN Region
Key Roles
- Identify opportunities in geographies or market segments where our services are most needed.
- Work with entrepreneurs to identify and commercialize innovative and exciting new services, business models and technologies.
- Provide financial, operational and marketing experience to our portfolio companies, enabling rapid growth either organically, through acquisitions, or brand-led turnarounds
- Provide access to SDI’s global network to facilitate best practice sharing and co-operation between organizations, corporate groups and investment bodies.
- Leverage the SDI brand and bring the unique SDI touch, purpose –driven approach, client service prowess to the fields of consultancy, content marketing, business investment and publishing.
Our regions
We train our intellectual guns across the entire globe but with a special focus on:
- Africa
- Asia and the Caribbean
- Australia
- Middle east
People , Culture, Trade and Investment

Our Projects
At SDI we tackle many causes and look at many pressing issues, taking our resources and expertise wherever we feel we can make the most difference. There are so many challenges facing the world today and we believe that by bringing the right people together and taking an entrepreneurial approach, we can create positive change. This is what sets us apart, and enables us to tackle lots of issues – not just one.
Our experts
More than anything else, our strength lies in our network of highly focused authors and consultants, and a flexible structure which enables us to mobilize this network at very short notice. From our regional offices in Pretoria RSA, Esfahan Iran, Nairobi Kenya and Queensland Australia are core teams of experts beefed up by a wide circle of country and industry specialists. Because we commission consultants on a project-to-project basis and are not obliged to use the same person for every assignment on one country, we are able to use the expert with the most suitable skills set for each specific project.
All of our consultants are carefully recruited, with a priority placed on both English and foreign language skills, excellent analytical abilities, and in-country knowledge and contacts. They range from former high-ranking diplomats, UN employees, and regional heads of multinational corporations to journalists, economists and leading academics.
A personal approach
One of the most important aspects of how we operate is the close relationship we develop with our clients. Rather than a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, we listen to our clients and gauge each unique situation to offer a tailored service and actionable insight. It is no coincidence that returning customers make up the vast majority of our business.
We appreciate feedback, and in an industry where it would be all too easy to become a faceless entity we try to create as many opportunities for personal interaction as possible. We extend this personal approach to the relationship between our clients and our experts.
An independent, long-term view
We place an emphasis on candor and integrity, and can provide testimonials from clients who value the ability of our consultants to deliver hard truths about countries and their governments, as well as the good news. We continue to take a bold and unassuming long-term view as opposed to being politically correct. For instance, in 2010 at the height of western led onslaught on Libya we warned that the easier part would be the toppling of Gadhafi but the aftermath would take decades to manage. To date no meaningful solution is in sight in the Libyan case just like Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza and Syria among others. When many consultancies left Somalia, Iran, Libya and Yemen, for example, we remained, and our current knowledge is therefore based on decades of analysis. It’s no surprise therefore that most multinationals now rely on our analysis to refine their entry strategies.
Our expertise in diverse fields as Nature and conservation, Spatial economics, hydro geology, Population studies, Public health, Peace and Security studies, Governance, Public policy, Macro-economic and Micro-Economic analysis, Investment among a host of others set us apart with unrivalled leverage.
Venture capitalists.
SDI through environmental scan and feasibility studies often seek out new economic opportunities that will provide rapid growth and ROI for individual investors or venture capitalist.
Other services
Southern Delta International also provides a comprehensive set of value added Business services tailored specifically to our clients stated needs. These services include:
1. Market entry strategies
That, success in gaining a foothold in a new market to a large extent depends on a clear understanding of the prevailing environment cannot be gain said. From our pool of researchers we provide distinct, clear and contextualized picture of a country’s political, regulatory, socioeconomic, and infrastructural architecture. SDI provides would be investors with precise and actionable market intelligence throughout all phases of the business cycle, from market entry to an eventual exit. If need be, we have in our ranks tried and tested crisis managers who can be called upon to put out ‘business fires’ before they escalate.
Case Study One: Entry strategy
A French company planned to construct a pipeline across some East African Countries. Before investing time and money in doing so, they sought our expert advice on the actual realities on the ground, undercurrents and how they might change in the short and medium term. Very quickly SDI put together a team of experts to analyze the political, security, economic, corruption and environmental risks involved in operating in the region and how they may affect a business that would be committing to a long term investment, while identifying key stakeholders in each Country who the company would have to engage with. From our reports the client was able to make an informed decision and change course with minimal risks.
Case Study Two: country entry strategy
A client planned to form a long-term partnership with a leading international oil company controlling a huge share of the Southern African market. The deal, however, faced huge political, technical, operational and financial backlash. A team of SDI experts in oil and the Southern Africa market swung into action to do an independent assessment of the strategic challenges. It’s this report that saved the investor billions of dollars which would have gone up in smoke.
2. Business Intelligence( Know and then Decide)
At SDI we believe advice based on Research and analysis data is vital to the success or failure of any venture from projects, programmes,policies and business investments. Designing a business or investment strategy in fluid, emerging-market environments requires timely and flexible access to independent in-country expertise. A clear understanding of the dynamics behind a major policy shift, the introduction of new legislation, or the motives behind hostile government action enables a company to make better decisions in the face of seemingly unpredictable developments. We help our clients KNOW what’s happening in their markets, before they make important strategic decisions.One of our goals in research & analysis is to identify ways to avert waste and enhance efficiency.
Case Study: integrated impact assessments
Whenever our clients enter emerging markets, it goes without saying that their activities will undoubtedly have ramifications on both the local communities and the economy. In counterpoise, knowledge apriori of such would be impacts remain critical.
Recently a middle Eastern client of ours sought to enter the east African market. Together with academic from a local University our team led an inter-disciplinary team of researchers in conducting a baseline survey and predicting the impact of this very capital intensive venture.
3. Strategic Advice
In order to implement or amend business strategies, companies sometimes require more subjective advice. Drawing from experience gathered over time and a large pool of experts we provide our clients with strategic advice outlining different options for action and the strengths and weaknesses of each. Meaningful positive differentiation for any organization starts with a competitively advantaged understanding of market forces, the growth opportunities and current as well as former or potential customers.
4. Due Diligence
We also perform research as part of due diligence investigation of client business acquisition.Our investigations are designed to answer precisely the right questions in order to generate results of meaning and value. We help our clients identify the important questions that need to be answered, and work with them through the analysis to a positive conclusion.Through discreet due diligence investigations our clients are able to minimize tremendously their exposure to reputational and commercial risks that come from working with third-parties in emerging markets.
In almost all the cases ours is a focus to establishing the true reputation and track record of individuals or entities seeking to do business with our clients. Besides, we also look at the comparative advantages of such contacts confer against the backdrop of possible alternatives. SDI operates under conditions of absolute confidentiality; the client’s name is only known to one or two core SDI staff and is never revealed to our consultants, and we ensure that the ‘target’ individual or company remains unaware that they are being investigated.
5. Red Flags
Businesses looking to work in complex countries can benefit from having any ‘red flags’ associated with prospective partners brought to their attention early on in the market-entry process. SDI ‘red flag’ due diligence allows clients to keep costs to a minimum. Our team conducts an initial overview of the individual or organization in question, in order to ascertain whether our client can confidently go ahead with the partnership, or if potential reputational or legal risks exist.
6. Business Development and Investment Consultancy
SDI evaluates businesses and advice on the attendant full potential in the area. We provide information about any risks of a particular investment as opposed to the potential payouts.One of the foundational aspects that we do is to assess the current assets of the company as they relate to the maintenance and expansion of the business to be acquired. To this end, we will identify the degree of penetration already enjoyed by the company in various sectors of the consumer base.
At the same time, we assess the feedback gathered from consumers on the perception of the company and its products. This type of activity can often identify ways to refine sales and marketing techniques in order to capture a wider share of consumers within sectors where the business already has a presence.Further, we collect data to help identify applications for the product line that are not promoted at present and could lead to capturing new markets if marketed properly.
7. Political and Social Risk Consulting
Our political and social risk assessments provide a coherent overview of the non-technical risks that may undermine our clients’ business objectives. Most risks revolve around security of tenure, regulatory and fiscal changes, major security incidents, loss of social license, and risks posed by corruption and interference by vested interests. Each assessment evaluates the probability and consequence of events or trends and is tailored to meet the client’s specific requirements.
Case Study
Our client had four of her staff captured by insurgents and conscious of the potential damage and far reaching ramifications, our services were sought. Aware, that time was of essence and unwilling to engage in illegal ransom demands, SDI deployed a consultant (widely considered a leading expert on counter-intelligence and terror networks to conduct in-country research to supplement our existing knowledge. Within weeks we provided our client with a detailed actionable report. Apart from securing the freedom of her staff the client also benefited from a deep analysis of the social drivers of the insurgency, examining security issues experienced by other companies, and providing recommendations to our client for cultivating and maintaining their social license to operate.
8. Stakeholder Assessment
We use our extensive knowledge of local conditions to support investors in dealing with key stakeholders, including national and local bodies, host communities, government representatives, and in-country agencies. SDI evaluates in-country stakeholder engagement practices and recommends an appropriate strategy for engaging them in order to achieve mutually beneficial working practices.
Case Study
In a particular case we had a client who sought to enter a particular country for gas exploration. In tandem, there arose the need to understand the attitude of its most important stakeholders as a necessary and sufficient guide towards designing an engagement strategy. Our experts identified the main stakeholder groups – which included the presidency, government, key ministries, political parties, local government, security forces, trade unions, NGOs, and the local community itself – and then confidentially determined the attitude of each of these groups towards the client’s proposed operations. From our very detailed reports the client with ease identified and dealt with the principal areas of concern for each group. As a result, our client’s projects progressed quickly and smoothly, saving the company both time and money.
9. Business matchmaking
From time to time we receive inquiries from overseas companies seeking local partners. SDI has deep ties with individuals and companies in diverse industries throughout the Middle East and Africa, from energy and finance to government and consumer goods. Cashing in on such contacts we bring together companies with complementary business interests.
10. Policy & Economic analysis
SDI recognizes that for the private sector to thrive, the environment for business MUST improve. SDI provides assistance to governments, donors and business associations interested in developing solutions to problems in the business environment.We conduct research, investigation and an overall environmental scan on emerging market opportunities, threats and challenges in our chosen regions.
Inter alia as a corollary, we craft, design and manage ventures on agreed contractual terms on behalf of our principals in the specially selected markets. Our very experienced and competent teams work on careful schemata of Identifying, determining, planning, coordinating and setting up venture projects.
11. Investor Facilitation
Investment – both local and foreign – is key to job creation and economic growth. Many investments do not take off because of insufficient planning or weak knowledge of local markets. SDI, through its extensive research, contacts and work in the region is uniquely placed to advise investors on expanding existing projects, or starting new ones. Critical services we provide include;Legal and taxation support, Recruitment and human resource support, Administrative and logistical support, Understanding of government regulations and Market research.
12. Project Design, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation
SDI provides support and advice to governments, donors and other organizations interested in establishing programmes to facilitate the growth of the private sector in the region. Some key areas of support include: Advice on the design of private sector development programmes, Financial sector development,Business Development Services, Local Government reform Privatization and deregulation;Monitoring and Evaluation of existing Private Sector Development programmes, Developing frameworks and indicators for M & E ,Appraisal and due diligence on institutions, projects and assets.
13. Make the call’ (MC) service
Real-time, one-stop, direct and personalized service. Serious decisions must be made in real time and they don’t have to wait. SDI provides the necessary and sufficient platform augmenting such decisions . Recognizing today’s business environment is in a constant state of flux and decision makers are ever pressed of time. SDI has a 24 hours hotline providing clients opportunity for making confidential telephone calls with experienced country experts, allowing one on one encounter.
Specially designed for clients seeking deeper insights than is available on open sources but who do not yet require the level of detail provided by traditional consultancy projects.The MC programmes are loved for their flexibility, speed and one on one contact with our in Country experts. In a personal and flexible way, our consultants can explain developments in specific countries or sectors.
14. Written reports
Wherever possible, written briefs take the place of a call. While the hour-long calls are priced at a fixed rate, these reports are priced individually depending on their length and detail.
Clients must feel free to ask questions in confidence, and it is an option to not reveal the identities of the callers to our consultants. Our consultants may request anonymity to talk on sensitive matters, but this can be approved or denied in consultation with the client.
Research papers and articles ; read , share and comment
Southern Delta International eleven research units are dedicated to providing cutting-edge intelligence services on all matters related to the global trends and events. Driven by our large team of analysts, consultants and interns, spread across Africa, Australia, Middle East, Asia, Europe and the United States. Our research units offer clients a vast range of research and strategy solutions developed to meet all of their intelligence needs.
Southern Delta International papers are developed by our diverse team of analysts, consultants and interns from SDI’s eleven Research Units. These papers are freely released in our fortnightly newsletter, and a comprehensive archive of each unit’s discussion papers are available below:
The Third Universal theory in the light of contemporary Political Thought.
No tears for the dying couple; (Capitalism and Marxism)
The Dlamini Zuma AU victory: (Lessons galore)
lessons in contrasts regarding African Politics
Somalia: From trials to triumph
Will Somalia become self sufficient?
The South African mining crisis; symptom of a deeper malady
A comprehensive look regarding the Marikana Platinum mine workers crisis on wages..
China in Kenya- Friend or Foe?
Asia in Africa Socio-Economic development.