Ours is a mission to provide the very necessary and sufficient intellectual and operational bridgehead linking the attendant gaps between policy and implementation. With a pool of over 200 consultants and a presence in The Middle East, Africa, Australia ,Western Europe and America, SDI to say the least , has a finger that never leaves the pulse of the World’s Peace,Security and Economic infrastructure.
Our consulting services draw heavily from the unique country expertise, in-house teams and a wide network of external consultants. Ever conscious of the unique and dynamic needs of our clients, we pride ourselves of always being responsive to, and we provide specifically tailored solutions. Besides, we ensure a comprehensive situational analysis of a Country’s political, commercial and social dynamics. This we give together with an accurate assessment of project-specific risks and vulnerabilities; stakeholder mapping and analysis; scenario planning and multi-jurisdictional bench-marking.
From a wealth of experience gathered over time, our final reports are ever presented appropriately be they written reports, briefs, workshops or a combination of one or many will always ensure a seamless integration between our approaches and the client’s requirements. At SDI the primary goal is to train our intellectual guns on global political, security, social and economic landscape.
Critical to our objectives are the underlying principles and commitment to good governance, democracy, human rights and conflict resolution. As a corollary, it is the recognition and maintenance of these standards which is fundamental to the creation of a conducive environment for investment and long-term economic growth.
Conscious that no development can take place in a vacuum and ,determined to be part of the solution, SDI seeks to attract increased investment, capital flows and funding, providing a framework for development and partnerships at regional and international levels. SDI is fundamentally about people: releasing and harnessing their productive potential and satisfying their human needs and desires, as well as creating pluralistic societies which provide both human freedom and human security.